O’Level Institute Student Testimonials
“I left school without any certificates. The Institute helped me in my lift in so many ways. I passed my CXC’s and ‘A’ levels. I have now graduated front UWl. I will never forget the help I received at the Institute.”
Wayne Jones

“Through the Barbados O’Level Institute I obtained seven ‘0’Levels and two ‘A’ Levels. I then successfully obtained a BSe in management (with honours) and MSc in International Management at the UWl. In my professional development the knowledge I obtained in my Law subjects has equipped me as a Senior Police Officer to better interpret and understand legal matters and the application of various forms of legislation to the practice of police and investigative work in the Force. Overall, the Barbados 0’Level has shaped my personal and professional character through its provision opportunities and avenues/or growth and development in many spheres of life.”
Staff, Registration